On A Lighter ( Love ) Note

What does LOVE look like

A wise counselor once asked me   "What does loving your mother look like in XYZ situation?"  and "What does loving your father look like in ABC situation?"  The challenge was to think of how REAL LOVE considers the OTHER person's good and benefit as the main goal.  

      Quotes below from Tuesdays With Morrie book 

Hopefully an encouragement to those Adult Children Of Divorce who are married and want to stay married to the person to whom they made the vow.

   " I've learned this much about marriage," he said now.  "You get tested. You find out     who you are, who the other person is, and how you accommodate or don't."
    Is there some kind of rule to know if a marriage is going to work?
    Morrie smiled.  "Things are not that simple, Mitch."
    I know.
    "Still,"  he said , "there are a few rules I know to be true about love and marriage  :  If you don't respect the other person, you're gonna have a lot of trouble.  If you don't know how to compromise, you're gonna have a lot of trouble.  If you can't talk openly about what goes on between you, you're gonna have a lot of trouble. And if you don't have a common set of values in life, you're gonna have a lot of trouble.  Your values must be alike.
    "And the biggest one of those values, Mitch?"
    "Your belief in the importance of your marriage."


  1. So, SO true! If you don't believe in the importance of marriage and don't have the willingness to work at your marriage each day, what else is left? Well said.


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