Telling the Truth

Telling the truth is something Adult Children of Divorce see as a lost art. Often before a divorce, during the process , and long after mom and dad separate for good, there is a string of lies on the part of one or both parents.  When I confronted my father on his lies, he said " Serenity ( not my real name) ,  Everyone lies!!"   Almost as if because it is so common, it should be accepted.  To me, lies undermine trust and credibility and I want truth. I want to be a truth-teller and to be spoken to , in truth. Early in my blogging I wrote a post that I have linked to , below. If you are struggling to know the truth in your situation,  or working to tell the truth,  or sifting through what others tell you , keep honesty before you!!

Words are important.  Jesus says over and over in the gospels, "I tell you the truth".  And the book of proverbs, which encourages wise living, speaks often about telling the truth.
Proverbs 12 :18  "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing "  Watch what you say and what you hear. Watch for the sword and be the healing.  What a different world we would live in if we could say " Everyone tells the truth"!!

honestly-whats-acod-to-believe    ( click on this link to go to former Honesty article)


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