
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Lord's Prayer : Adult Children of Divorce Version

Matthew 6:9-13 is one record of the Lord's Prayer.  Jesus prayed!!  If he needed to, so do I!!   After teaching about rules ( Matthew 5 and 6) , murder, adultery, divorce, vengeance, enemies, giving to the needy ( and who says Jesus isn't relevant?) , etc.....he comes to the topic of prayer. He tells his disciples ( and us) HOW to pray.  The Lord's Prayer gives us a format. God knows I have spent much time thinking and praying about rules, adultery, divorce, vengeance, etc, and MORE since my parent's late-life divorce.  Here's my attempt to use Jesus' format to give an example of what conversation between us ACODs and God may look like.  May it get all of us started talking to God!!! Our Father in Heaven        Some of us have lost relationship with our earthly fathers or mothers and we still need what a father or mother can give Hallowed Be Your Name    Who you are is holy, set apart from all other fathers and mothers ---and may it stay