Passing the Baton

The three year anniversary of me writing this blog has almost arrived! I never in my wildest imagination thought I would write one hundred posts! When I started this journey my goal was two-fold. I needed to express my thoughts which were exploding in my head every day, for my own healing. I also wanted to offer help and hope to others who were experiencing the divorce of their parents when they were adults. God has graciously allowed me to do both and I am ready to pass the baton. Read my posts, feel free to contact me via email, but my writing about being an adult child of divorce has come to an end. I think I have exhausted just about every possible topic and I am ready to follow and support others who take up the journey of running along side those of us who are on the journey.  I am grateful for all of those who have contacted me, read the blog, and I can't tell you how much of a privilege and blessing it has been to run WITH you these past three years.  I will be cheering from the sidelines and even join you here and there on the track, the baton needs to be passed.  Keep strong, keep steady, run with confidence and faith and move ahead in the journey.  All of us other ACODs are cheering you on!!
Sincerely , Serenity

Just recently I have begun writing a new blog to help us ACODS communicate and keep committed in our own relationships. Visit me as I get started at  :


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