It has been years since I have submitted a new post to my blog. But years are milestones sometimes and the journey of being an Adult Child of Divorce is sometimes a long , winding, ongoing walk. My travels on this road began over ten years ago. Looking back, I see where I was, and how I rested along the way, or found help to quench my own thirst, and also how I mustered courage and tackled some figurative dangers along the path. Sometimes it seems the road has circled around and I don't feel I have made much progress, but instead have gone in a circle. Not much has changed, and yet in the process, everything has changed! The life of the blog began six years ago. It's birth was like others , with pain and helplessness and entrance into a world that seemed foreign and cold and frightening, compared to the safety of the womb. If you read the blog from the oldest posts to the more recent posts, you will get the best picture of the process of grief and the lessons l...